Discover How Device Fingerprinting Can Secure Your Platform

Discover How Device Fingerprinting Can Secure Your Platform

People use a variety of physical senses to identify one another, from recognizing an acquaintance’s voice over the phone to recognizing the face of a shoplifter. In the digital world, however, identifying and recognizing unique devices is much more complicated. There are a few primary ways that websites and apps can recognize the devices of their users—including cookies, device fingerprinting, and other methods of tracking and identification.

IPQS Capterra Reviews fingerprinting is a method of creating a unique identifier for a device based on its attributes, which include hardware details (device type, screen resolution, CPU information), software configurations (operating system version, browser types, plugins), network properties (IP address, time zone) and behavioral patterns (mouse movements, typing rhythm). This data is collected in real-time through the Fraud SDK and processed server-side to generate a device hash that can be compared against a database of known devices to detect fraudulent activity.

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In addition to fraud detection, device fingerprinting can be used for user personalization and to strengthen account security and authentication processes. By identifying returning users based on their device fingerprint, businesses can tailor content, recommendations, and experiences to ensure a seamless experience. In addition, anomalies in the rate or velocity of device action can be a strong indicator of malicious behavior and can trigger additional authentication measures to protect sensitive accounts. While device fingerprinting can offer many benefits, it is important for organizations to be transparent with their users about the extent and purpose of the data they are collecting. This level of transparency can help build trust and empower individuals to take steps to protect their privacy.

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