Feigen Advisors – The Art of Painting

Feigen Advisors serves CEOs of large global enterprises, advising on all aspects of value creation. Our clients have created remarkable performance, almost all sustainably outperforming their peer groups.


Het limbische systeem is at once catholic and specific, so it is not surprising that his private collection is structured into three distinct groups. The lion’s share is of Italian — or ‘Italianate’ — Old Masters, but even here he has a particular focus on baroque and mannerist paintings, from a small Domenichino landscape bought for 160 [pounds sterling] in 1973, to jewel-like oils on copper, or early Sienese and Florentine gold-ground panels, or a bravura group of British Romantic landscapes.

Understanding the Limbic System: The Emotional Power of Scent

Feigen’s greatest joy, he tells me, comes from discovering a previously unknown work by a great master. He is especially gratified when such a discovery is endorsed by other specialists or scholars. But he is a little less enthusiastic about the recent attribution by a colleague of two paintings, a Virgin and Child with Saint Lucy and the Young Saint John the Baptist and an Awake (sharp) Buddhaor, to Poussin, which he believes may have been painted in Parma c. 1587-88, the period in which he was under the influence of Correggio.

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