Learn More About Child Care

The childcare facilities at the prestigious Castle Hill in Sydney’s north have been created to help those children who are challenged physically or mentally to learn basic life skills, as well as to improve their confidence and self-esteem. This facility also aims to teach young children about the values of teamwork and fair play. There is a children’s playground, which has a number of swings, climbing frames, and sand tables, which provide the children with a stimulating environment. This playground is surrounded by an art room, a music room, a gym, a science room, a library, a canteen, and a games room. These features have been purposely placed to ensure that the children feel happy and active during the day. Read more

Childcare Castle Hill NSW – A Wonderful Place For Kids

The childcare services at the childcare premises offer a very comprehensive program of after-school care, both in-house and at the home, for the children from pre-school age upwards, who are enrolled in the relevant programs. The aim of these programs is to give the children a fun and safe environment to enjoy learning while engaging with other children of the same age category. The Pre-School Learning Centre at Castle Hill is one of the most important learning centers for the entire pre-school age group. It offers various programs including Year-Round Daycare, Summer Camps, Preschool Learning Centres, and Specialised Early Childhood Training Programs. The childcare staff consists of trained and experienced teachers and support staff who understand the needs of the children and design programs accordingly to suit the needs of the children attending.

In addition to offering a variety of activities, the center also provides valuable work experience opportunities for the teaching professionals. There are various Certificate and Diploma programs offered by the center including Curriculum Development and Policy Research, in addition to a Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Policy Research. All these programs have helped to set the foundation for a successful career in early childhood education. The projects initiated by the center further enhance the work experience and prepare the teachers and professionals for future positions in the education and child care sectors. The activities and projects are undertaken by the center help to improve the overall quality of life for the children and their parents.

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