Magic Mushrooms Dispensary Canada

The legal landscape surrounding magic mushrooms dispensary canada is a murky one. The hallucinogenic fungi remain illegal in Canada, but despite this reality, stores like Fun Guyz and Shroom City are popping up all over the country. These stores operate in a legal grey area by selling psilocybin, MDMA and other psychedelics. While police raids have occurred, more shops are opening than being closed. As such, it is important for employees to review their workplace drug and alcohol policies to ensure that psilocybin and other psychedelics are not brought into the workplace. Learn more

In the storefront of Fun Guyz on 247 West Broadway in downtown Vancouver, a rainbow shiitake adorns the window next to a sign that invites passersby to “walk into a new reality.” The store has been open for a year and is far from the only place in the city where people can buy mushrooms. In fact, some estimates suggest that there are over two dozen shopfronts openly selling psilocybin and other psychoactive substances.

Challenges and Opportunities: The Future Landscape of Magic Mushroom Dispensaries in Canada

Health Canada warns that taking magic mushrooms can cause you to see, hear or feel things that are not there and may also lead to anxiety, fear, nausea and muscle twitches along with increased heart rate and blood pressure. It’s a federally controlled substance that can only be sold and produced with a licence.

But some of these mushroom shops are trying to get around the law. They’ve started to sell psilocybin under the guise of being a medicinal product, with Health Canada granting them permits for a limited number of patients receiving end-of-life care and psychotherapy.

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